Regular Meetings

Third Thursday in April (Installation), October, December, and February at the Uxbridge Masonic Centre.

Members of other Lodges are welcome to come along as visitors.

There’s no need to wait for an invitation, just e-mail the Secretary.

We look forward to meeting you.

Visiting Masons

Members of Metropolitan, Provincial, District, and Overseas Lodges wishing to attend any of our meetings are welcome to contact the secretary in advance at least 7 days before the meeting.

New Members

Any person interested in joining Freemasonry and Uxbridge Lodge, in particular, is invited to contact the Secretary either by e-mail (details below) or any member of the Lodge, to obtain more information and arrange to meet for an informal chat. Applications are also welcome from established Freemasons wishing to join Uxbridge Lodge as Joining Members.

Contact the Lodge Secretary by email: secretary@uxbridgelodge.org.uk

Uxbridge Lodge No.7066